Cocky Rooster [?ru:st?(r)] 自负的公鸡Long, long ago, there was a beautiful rooster. He was very proud of his beauty.When his friends were out collecting food for winter, he just slept or sang songs.But soo...
英语舞台剧下载_龟兔赛跑(Hare and tortoise)英语舞台剧: Bird: Friends, friends, come here and have a look.(伙伴们,伙伴们,快来看啊!) The hare and the tortoise will have a match again. (小兔和乌龟又要比赛了。)Monkey: The hare and the tortois...
英语短剧剧本-守株待兔(开始。树)上台安静地屹立到舞台较后方。导演走到台前]导演:Action![跑下台][农夫冷酷地上。]农夫:I’m a farmer.(稍停顿)[走两步]A modern farmer.(掏出墨镜戴上)[冷酷地走两步,突然被绊了一 跤,回头生气地踢了下绊自己的石头,继续保持冷酷]When I was yong,I studied in Nan~tong Middle Scho...
焦仲卿 johnny(j for short)刘兰芝 lunch(l for short) 焦母 johnny’s mother(jm for short) 刘母 lunch’s mother(lm for short) 太守之子 mayor’s son(ms for short)强盗 burglars(a b and c)prologue 序幕(j 作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,j 被打中,狼...
英语剧 Real Friends(角色:Hare,Monkey,Tree,Bear) Tree(出场,站在场地中间): I’m Tree.I like sun and moon.I have a lot of brothers and sisters.We are the forest. Hare(跳着出场,做兔子状): I’m Hare.I like carrots.(从口袋中拿出胡萝卜,然后放...
小学英语课本剧剧本_小鸭子(Little Duck)剧中角色:Little Duck, Grandma, Mr. Cat, Mr. Goat Narrator: Little Duck promises his grandma that he is going to visit her in the morning, but he was late! Why is that? (星期天,小鸭子在睡...
英语小剧本狐假虎威旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the foxcheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated thefox very much. Can you imagine when the fox...
英语小剧本-----小兔子乖乖The little rabbits英语小剧本-----小兔子乖乖 在美丽的大森林里,住着小白兔一家,她们快乐地生活着。兔哥哥喜欢跳高和跑 步,兔妹妹喜欢唱歌和跳舞。瞧,他们来了。 (音乐起) Mother rabbit: Hello, I’ m Mother rabbit, I have two lovely children. Look, they are com...
The Blood of CET'4第一幕(道具:桌子 书 馒头三个) ABC 上,BC 看到凳子坐下,D 走过来,A 点菜A: waiter!waiter! D You come, my dear brother (笑脸状) A: Do you have any beef? D: No beef A: do you have any wine? D: no wine. A: Do you hav...
英语剧吃饭 Eat顾客:小心,你的大拇指在我汤里了 服务员:别担心,先生,不是很烫! A : Watch out! Your thumbs in my soup! B: Don't worry Sir it's not that hot! 一个服务员给顾客拿来了牛排,大拇指在牛肉上。 “你疯了吗?”顾客喊到,“你的手在我的牛排上!” “什么?”服务员说,“你想让它再掉地上?” A waiter b...
改编自《两小儿辩日》(J:Jack P:Petter S:stranger)独白:The story happened in a sunny day.Two friends meet each other.J:Hi,nice to see you,Petter. P:Nice to see you,Jack.It`s a good day ,isn`t it? J:Yeah,I like sunn...
丑小鸭 Ugly ducklingIt was a lovely summer day in the country. Mother Duck sat on her eggs for a long time. After a while, one by one, ducklings came out often eggs. Ducklings: Peep, peep Mother Duck: Qu...
罗密欧与朱丽叶 Romeo and JuliaScene IJulia: I have liked Romeo for a long time. Today, I determine to show my feelings to Romeo.Julia: Hi, Romeo. Romeo: Hi. Julia: Your clothes fit you well. Romeo: Oh! Thank...
《The Tiger’s Teeth老虎拔牙》场景一:晴朗的天气,草地上。 (One day, some little animals are playing in the forest. Suddenly the rabbit is shouting.) (有一天,一群小动物正在玩耍,一只小兔突然大声呼叫!) The rabbit: Help! Help!( 救命!救命!) The deer...
××股份有限公司結構分析表報表名稱: 金融機構代號及名稱:項目項 目代號年月 日0-10天 F111-30天 F2單位:新台幣 百萬元 31-60天 61-120天 121-180天 181-360天 1年以上 說明 核對F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 註記 註記1000 一、主要資金運用合計1,0044,090 7,403 6,784 3,988 5,362 29,663S011100 (一)...
羊肉串和纳税人(英文小品)Characters: Mr. Shi, Xiaofu, Dabao Mr. Shi: Tax is the major source of the fiscal revenue. There is an evident change about the relationship between the tax collector and taxpayer in the...
狼来了 英文短剧剧本 The Wolf is Coming角色:a boy; a wolf; some farmers, a group of sheep, a storyteller 道具:鞭子、一棵大树、一座小山、三顶草帽、三根扁担、三把锄头.Scene One: farmers working in the field (第一场:三个农民在地里劳动) 1、音乐起,三个农民边唱边跳出场歌词:W...
第一场: (音乐)旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, he father loved her very much.Father: Dear daughter! gifts are for you! Do you like them?Alice: Yeah, thank y...
中班数学《方爷爷和圆奶奶》活动目标: 1、赏析故事,发现生活中用圆形、方形组成的不同物品,并能运用不同的 方法数数。 2、知道不同的图形都有各自的作用,感受图形的组合美。 活动准备: 1、故事 PPT。 2、不同家居用品图片。 活动过程: 一、认识角色,引发兴趣 1、老师请来了两位朋友,是谁呢? 2、瞧他们的脸长得有什么不一样?给他们起个名字。 3、方爷爷和圆奶奶是一家人,他们之间发生了什么事情?...
中国式英语《Chinglish》 (小品剧本)甲:知道吗,最近一东西比较火。 乙:什么? 甲:Chinglish,俗称中式英语! 乙:你才刚听说?我都知道好久了。你水平如何? 甲:horse horse tiger tiger 乙:行啊,那我考考你吧。 甲:try try see 乙:你没看见我有多忙吗? 甲:you no see, I now very busy 乙:不管三七二十一 甲:no c...
我们时代癿英雄宋庆龄和过去癿人类丐界相比,我们癿丐界极其复杂。由于交通极其发达, 在地球上每一部分和人类社会中癿各种重大事件均有密切癿联系。没有 孤立癿灾难,也没有一种进步丌是会促成全面进步癿。这种情况反映在 人们癿思想里。人们癿思想内容在范围和复杂癿程度上现在也具有丐界 性。一个为自己癿人民和国家谋福利癿人若单单联系毗邻癿国家来考虑 本国癿形势是丌够癿。丐界大势包围着我们每一个人,我们必须投身其...
四人英语话剧剧本 《新梁祝外传》(搞笑版)《新梁祝外传》L:梁山伯Z:祝英台 M:马文才 旁:旁白旁:话说梁山伯和祝英台三年前一同来到刚刚成立的武汉新东方书院学 习英语。梁山伯酷爱口语师从口语老师邓大付学习美国口语,尤其擅长 模仿马丁?路德?金的演讲。(旁白暂停,邓英文“I have a dream ”)。祝英 台一心梦想出国,梦想有朝一日成为 BBC 主持人(旁白暂停,祝英文“this is B...
四人英语话剧剧本-The Rolling OrangeThe Rolling Orange 讲述桔子的故事。一天早上,桔子一家醒来,发现人们开着卡车,搬着 梯子,来摘桔子了,快来看看他们的命运如何吧。 人物Tom: Father OrangeKlye:Mother OrangeWallis: Older Sister OrangeJessie: Little Brother OrangeChara...
“六一”节剧本《睡美人》英文版人物:安徒生(旁白) 小孩 国王(M) 王后(H) 公主(Z) 管家(G) 仆人甲 仆人乙 士兵 女巫 王子 布莱尔 老人 皇亲贵族剧 1: 小孩: Anderson Uncle, please tell me a story! {目光闪烁,渴望的神情} 安徒生 : Well, yes , " Sleeping Beauty " story. 安徒生 : {音乐起}...
《面试》 :准备道具,注意动作,查好音标! Ladies and gentlemen, this is an original drama, and here is a personnel department, the manager 包拯 is going to interview some wierd applicants. Round one First one I:升堂~~~其他人:威~...